Fighting the Epidemic, Overcoming the Difficulties Together - Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch Donated Anti-epidemic Materials to Business School


At the juncture of the epidemic, people should help each other and break through the current difficulties. On the afternoon of March 23, 2022, Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch, the strategic partner of BS-USST, sent LIU Qin, the head of the administrative department of the Yangpu Sub-branch, and GONG Yingqi, the general account manager of the Jiamusi Road Sub-branch, as representatives to donate 2,500 masks and 80 pieces of protection clothing and 8 camp beds to Business School. Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch learned that Business School has been in a state of quasi-closed management for epidemic prevention and control that all kinds of epidemic prevention materials are in short supply and hope to help all the teachers and students in Business School to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.



WANG Wei, Party Secretary of the School, ZHAO Laijun, Dean, and representatives of faculties at campus attended the donation ceremony. On behalf of the School, WANG Wei expressed her gratitude to the Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch for its strong support for the anti-epidemic work of Business School. She said that Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch, as the best partner of Business School for a long time, has given the school active support and assistance in the prevention and control of the epidemic, which reflects the high social responsibility and dedication of the enterprise. In the future, the two sides will continue to strengthen the cooperative relationship and deepen the cooperation content. Dean ZHAO Laijun also expressed his heartfelt thanks to Yangpu Sub-branch for the construction of the Bank of China Huigu practice base for the integration of production and education for Business School not long ago, and for the support of epidemic prevention materials to Business School at the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control.


The cooperation between Bank of China and University of Shanghai for Science and Technology has a long history. Since 2018, Business School and Bank of China Yangpu Sub-branch have established a cooperative relationship of party construction and organization. The two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in the aspects of party construction, collaborative education, industry-university-research cooperation, and internship and employment base construction. At the critical moment when the whole city was working together to fight the epidemic, Bank of China took the initiative to lend a helping hand and sent love materials to Business School.The school and the enterprise stand together and help each other to overcome the difficulties in Shanghai together.


Translator: FU Wenhan

Reviewer: Zhou Yiwei