Post-doctoral recruitment notice for Yin Han professor team of the Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


. Introduction to the School

The Business School of USST (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology), whose predecessor is the earliest systems engineering department and system engineering research institute(1979) in China. In May 1992, the Department of Systems Engineering and the Institute have merged to the newly-established Systems Science and Systems Engineering School, which has been renamed later as the Business School in May 1999. In January 2006, the business school merged with the original Commercial School to form a new Business School. Among them, the Commercial School was founded in 1988, and its stem can be traced back to the Commercial School in the downtown area of Hujiang University in 1930s.

The business school has a long history.The school’s alumni have made a lot of achievements and have influenced all over five continents. The school covers a wide range of disciplines, has 2 Post-doctoral Research Stations (Management Science and Engineering and Systems Science), 2 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points (Management Science and Engineering, Systems Science), 4 first-level discipline master degree authorization points, and 10 professional degree master degree authorization points. The school has already passed AACSB international certification.

Since 2006, the systems science disciplines have been regarded as Shanghai key disciplines, Shanghai first-class disciplines, Shanghai peak disciplines and Shanghai high-level first-class disciplines.Meanwhile,the management science and engineering disciplines have been regarded as Shanghai key disciplines, Shanghai first-class disciplines and Shanghai plateau disciplines. In the fourth round of subject evaluation of China’s universities, Systems Science has ranked the third, and Management Science and Engineering ranked the 19th.


. The Yin Han professor team

Research interests: traffic control and management, traffic flow model, and transit system, Intelligent traffic system


Core members:

Yin Han, Full Professor, academic leader in Transportation Engineering



Jing Zhao, Associate professor, Chair of the Department of Transportation Engineering



Jiao Yao, Associate Professor



Jiawen Wang, Assistant Professor



.The job profile

1. Job title: Hujiang post-doctoral;

2. Planned to carry out research work in the direction of * *;


.The Application Conditions

1. Be politically determined, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and have a high sense of responsibility and dedication.

2. Obey the law, behave well, and have no violations of law or discipline or have other bad records; Should have obtained a doctor's degree in recent 3 years ad under 35 years of age in principle and be in good health.

3. The applicant must have obtained or be able to obtain (before being allowed to enter the post-doctoral station) doctoral degrees in management science and engineering, systems science and related majors. Also, He/she should have good publishing records in authoritative journals at home and abroad, and demonstrate excellent academic literacy and academic potential.

4. Must be engaged in post-doctoral researches for full-time.


.Relevant Treatment

1. The Hujiang post-doctoral will be assistanced more than 300,000 yuan per year, and the specific salary is implemented with reference to the relevant standards of the state and University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

2. The regular period of Hujiang post-doctoral program is 3 years, and the longest period should be no more than 6 years.

3. During the post-doctoral period, you can apply for renting a talent apartment provided by the school at your own expense.

4. Post-doctoral students who have not been evaluated before entering the station are identified as intermediate titles after entering the station, and can apply for senior title evaluation during the employment.

5. Excellent full-time post-doctoral students can apply for various of post-doctoral programs and titles of talents of Shanghai.

6. Those who meet the outbound standards and have excellent comprehensive performance in scientific research can stay in school to teach.

. Application

Send the resume, list of scientific research achievements in recent three years (with full text papers and search report), certificate of current employment and other relevant information or certification materials to Plesase indicate on the title of E-mail: name + applied position (management science and engineering / system science + Hujiang post-doctoral) + team name (Yin Han professor team).

Contact Us:

Recruitment leader: Teacher Zhi

Tel: 021-65711630


Address: Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, No.334 Jungong Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai,China