
发布时间:2024-04-30        浏览量:10


地点:经管大楼A楼 四楼第二会议室报告厅

主题:动态鲁棒最短路问题Dynamic Relative Robust Shortest Path Problem



XU Bo, lecturer in the Department of Information Management and Information Systems, Ph.D. from Tongji University, and scholar of ideological education at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Member of the Shanghai Regional Council of the National College Student Market Research and Analysis Competition, and Honorary Rosalind Member of London Journal Press. The main research areas include combinatorial optimization, airport scheduling, and uncertain decision-making. Completed 5 scientific research projects and published 19 papers in domestic and foreign journals, including 6 SCI indexed papers and 6 A-class journals from the National Science Foundation of China.

摘要:传统的相对鲁棒最短路径(RSP)问题在交通、建筑等路线设计问题中有着广泛的应用。本文将RSP扩展到一个动态相对鲁棒最短路径(DRSP)问题,用于实时决策应用。我们将DRSP公式化为混合整数规划(MIP)问题,并设计了一种启发式算法Nested DijkstraND)来解决它。该模型和ND算法可以动态地避免较大后悔值(成本)的发生,并给出稳健的路径。数值结果验证了模型和算法的有效性。

The traditional relative robust shortest path (RSP) problem expresses great applications in transportation, construction and other route design problems. This paper extends the RSP to a dynamic relative robust shortest path (DRSP) problem for real-time decision application. We formulate the DRSP in the form of a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem and design an heuristic algorithm, named Nested Dijkstra (ND), to solve it. This model, as well as the ND algorithm, can dynamically avoid big regret (cost) happening and can give the robust path. Numerical results validate the efficiency of the model and the algorithm.